The CTHS BC Board of Directors would like to announce to its members that it has entered a three-year agreement with HBPA of BC and BC TOBA on the following items:
1. Reinstatement of the 25% BC-bred owners bonus including Maiden $4,000 claiming;
2. Our industry partners have guaranteed a 15% broodmare BAP award and a 10% stallion BAP award should our funding fall short of expectations. The broodmare guarantee is a continuation of an existing industry commitment to breeders, but the 10% stallion guarantee is new starting this year. These guarantees should comfort breeders who are trying to make breeding decisions;
3. A BC-Bred bonus for a MSW or a maiden stake winner with $5,000 going to the owner and $5,000 to the breeder;
4. Two restricted MSW races for BC-bred horses;
5. Our BC Cup races have moved from BC Day except for the Marathon.
Races on BC Day
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