To Industry Stakeholders;
Re: Location of Microchip Implant in Canadian Thoroughbred Horses
On Wednesday, July 27th, 2016, the National Directors’ of the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society
held a Board meeting conference call. One of the topics on the agenda was the official implant location
of the microchip that will become mandatory for all registered Canadian Thoroughbreds starting in the
year 2017.
With much consideration and discussion on the subject, the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society’s
official position is as follows:
The Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society welcomes any owner and breeder who wishes to microchip
their horse(s) in the nasal area or the nuchal ligament (on the left side of the neck) for the year 2016, as
the microchip is not a mandatory requirement for the year 2016, but would encourage a nasal implant.
In 2017, when it is mandatory to implant microchips, any Canadian-bred Thoroughbred being registered
with the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society shall require a nasal implanted microchip.
This decision was mainly based on the very successful findings of a pilot project named “Alberta
Thoroughbred Microchipping Project” based in Alberta and carried out by Alberta Agriculture and
Forestry’s Traceability Systems Specialist Adrienne Herron and fellow team members.
If there should be a reason to modify the implant location of the microchip, you will be duly notified at
the earliest convenience.
Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society
National Office & National Board of Directors’
Click here
for the Minutes of the July 27, 2016 CTHS National Board of Directors’ meeting
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